Let’s compare MedX to Kettlebells.
Equalized Resistance:MedX provides equalized resistance from compound selectorized weight stacks, adjustable in two pound increments throughout the full range of motion.

Kettlebells in 1897
Kettlebells are subject to the deficiencies in the strength curve because of the imposition of gravitational pull on rotational leverage against a free floating mass of resistance to the extended lever involved in the lift which is governed by the fact that bone structure and momentum relieves resistance values in the high ranges of motion. This produces a deficiency in the resistance in the top end of muscular contraction resulting in disproportionate stresses of the contracting muscle tissue. When muscle tissue is not stressed equally through the full range of motion, the result is disproportionately stressed muscle. This produces less than optimal stress on muscle tissue for production of strength increases through stress in the entire muscle.
Impact Force:MedX weight stacks travel twelve inches or less, governed by an elaborate system of levers. This short distance of vertical travel deprives the mechanical apparatus the opportunity to develop momentum and inertia during the lift. This eliminates the possibility for impact force related injuries. Because there is no friction in MedX, the lift can be preformed at slow speeds.
Kettlebells are free floating masses of cast iron (from China) with intense gravitational pull traveling through multiple planes of movement, powered by muscular contraction. The kettleballs are directly attached to the furthermost point of the lever producing the lift. This pendulum syndrome produces inertia and momentum in order to lift heavy weights through the range of motion. The result is extreme stresses on the pivotal points, or joints, at the center of axial rotation. The extreme forces produced by inertia during the lift are converted to destructive impact forces when the momentum is arrested.
The differances between Kettlebells and MedX are night and day. Using Kettlebells when MedX is available is like using a crank telephone when a smart phone is available.

Isolation: MedX provides isolated contraction of the exercising muscle tissue involved in the lift. The benefit of isolated contraction is concentrated neural-motor recruitment, concentrated oxygenated blood flow into exercising muscle tissue and a stabilized platform for muscles to contract through the full range of motion without the assistance of other muscles.
Kettleballs provide no isolation or stability. Because multiple groups of muscles must contract in concert to provide stability and leverage points for the exercising muscle to flex against; isolation of contracting muscle is not possible. Neural-motor recruitment is spread out among several muscle groups, diluting the benefits of concentrated blood flow into the exercising muscle tissue.
MedX is the state of the art, modern, scientific approach to weight resistance exercise. Kettlebells (like Palaties) are a throwback to technology over one-hundred years old, resurrected and hijacked by marketers and salespeople with no knowledge of musculoskeletal weight resistance exercise.
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