Bill Crawford Testimonials
Do Bill's sessions really work?
Listen to his clients.
The following stories and comments are actual written letters from satisfied clients who made the commitment, and have reaped the rewards. Just read a couple of the "real life" stories, and judge for yourself if Basic Training is the direction for you. We are sure you will see that Bill's Basic Training can be just as psychologically rewarding, as well as physically. |
Karen Daniel has lost over 175 pounds by eating right, exercising, and committing herself to a new way of life. Her goal... Lose More! |
Read Karen's Complete Story

"At almost 90 years of age, I no longer need a walker and I walk without a cane because I train twice a week with Bill."
- Felix |
Read Felix's Complete Story
As Featured in The Scottsdale Republic |
"As for why one needs a Personal Trainer, I think it is quite self-evident. One needs the motivation that comes from a personal trainer. Bill is an excellent motivator, and a genuinely nice person who always accentuates the positive and makes you feel welcome at his facility."
- Kam |
"Your program and individualized attention focus on exactly my needs. I got my exercise program back into balance and I'm absolutely amazed at the difference in my body. My proportions have actually changed... and this with me working out LESS than I did on my own. After 5 months with you, I'll start back on my own again, but this time with a great more deal of knowledge.
- David |
"The results I have experienced have been more than I could have imagined. In just four months, I have lost 20 pounds! I have gone from 27% body fat to 14%. My physical strength has increased and I no longer have the stress pain in my back and shoulders. I sleep great. My energy level is higher than ever.
Basically, I feel excellent!"
- Craig |
"...on April 22, 1999, at 1:00am in the afternoon, I walked into the doors of Basic Training, met Bill Crawford, and began my new life. For countless reasons (none important to me now) it took me many years of sadness, tears, frustrations, and indignities to get to a place where I was ready to get thin. This "fat girl with the pretty face and great personality" was at her wits end and ready to make a change.
....after training with Bill for the past 5 1/2 months and losing close to 60 pounds, I, at age 35 years old, look the best I have ever looked and feel so incredibly happy and healthy that words cannot describe it.
When you walk through the door at Basic Training, the sign reads "Find Strength Here." For myself, not only have I found strength; but I have found hope, health, and absolute total indescribable happiness."
- Julia |
Dear Bill:
Six years ago, I began recovery from a serious, major back surgery. The road back to good health, strength, and total mobility, for my age, has always been one of ups and downs, pain, disappointment and full of temptation to give up.
I continue to hold you responsible for my positive attitude, results and tremendous improvement in my progress, ongoing health and amazing mobility. Your firm hand, (painful at times) and professional attention over-rides any age, discomfort or temptation to quit. Your pet dog probably helps a little.
My most favorite physicians, Dr. Tom McCauley and Dr. Faud Ibrahim, all push me to encourage you to keep up the pressure. Amen.
You know Bill, without question, you have done what I would never have done alone. For this I am most grateful and pledge to you my ongoing cooperation in moving ached hour by hour to succeed in a complete recovery of strength and mobility.
Please do not hesitate to express my gratitude to those who might need encouragement to participate in your program and regimen as a path to new health.
Most cordially,
Irving Fleming
Music Director
Scottsdale Symphony Orchestra |
H.I.T. |
High Intensity Training |
Bill has been using the High Intensity Training technique for decades. You won't believe the amount of training that is packed into a one-hour session. |
Get Strength, Endurance, Stamina, and RESULTS only possible with H.I.T. from Bill Crawford. |